How to use laryngeal height to create a unique sound
Songwriting, Artist Development, Vocal Technique Candi Underwood Songwriting, Artist Development, Vocal Technique Candi Underwood

How to use laryngeal height to create a unique sound

Becoming a truly unique artist and songwriter is something many singers strive for. But did you know that by simply moving your larynx (voice box) up and down you can unlock different sounds and acoustical qualities to sing with; offering you more tools to truly express yourself? Today we’re going to look at laryngeal height and how you can utilise this to create a unique sound with your singing voice.

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Breath technique: You’ve survived this you really need to work on your breathing?
Vocal Technique, Breath Management Candi Underwood Vocal Technique, Breath Management Candi Underwood

Breath technique: You’ve survived this you really need to work on your breathing?

As a vocal coach one thing I hear a lot in my studio is singers wanting to work on their breathing. In this blog we’re going to look at what “bad” breathing technique actually means and some vocal exercises to address them. Because the truth is you’ve survived this long, so do you really need to work on your breathing?

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